In America today, no figure is more loved, hated, and misunderstood than former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK). She is the epitome of polarization drawing almost worshipful praise from the right as well as unfair and unyielding criticism from the left. Yet, after the failed, and incredibly mean, Vice Presidential run, this courageous woman has not left the political arena. In fact, in the two years since she has written a best selling memoir, undergone a speaking tour, and emerged as one of the leading republican figures in our nation. Sarah Palin has also been in the news recently for multiple reasons so let's take a look back at her most recent actions.
As if the VP campaign wasn't enough...
Now, after all this time and media harassment, Sarah Palin has a stalker. Last month, author Joe McGinniss moved into the home immediately next door to Sarah Palin. It was publicy known that McGinniss disliked Palin and that he was in the process of writing a book about. Sarah Palin was furious basically referring to him as a stalker and writing on her facebook page about how she felt it was inappropriate. And she is not alone. Many people, a surprising amount of which are not Palin supporters, agree with. They say it makes him seem like a peeping-tom and that his actions are a little extreme. In response to his moving, the Palin family has constructed a 14 foot high fence around the property in order to block McGinniss' view of the family and their daily routines. My feeling is this: once again the media has violated Sarah Palin's privacy to the point that, if it was any other politician, the national out cry would be tremendous. Yet the news media bias towards this woman has, and will, allow and encourage the continued harassment and mistreatment towards this family. It is unfortunate and sad to see the media steep this low, but I think that people, are finally beginning to see just how wrong it is. Whether one agrees with her politically or not, one must agree that the media and others should at least leave her family alone.
Another Romp.
Sarah Palin and her political action committee, SarahPac, are once again storming the nation, donating to candidates from both sides of the aisle and campaigning for them. Sarah has spoken for and appeared with many high profile candidates such as Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) and John McCain (R-AZ). Yet currently, she is making headlines for her endorsement of Nikki Haley (R-SC) for the South Carolina Governor campaign. Haley, whose campaign was stagnating, has received a massive boost of Palin power and has catapulted her into the forerunner position in the Republican Primary, in which a runoff between the top two candidates is all but guaranteed. The new ad, depicts Palin offering Haley the time honored advice to 'hang in there baby' and has seen a massive effect. Haley is now closing on the front runner, Attorney General Henry McMasters (R-SC) who, polls show, garnering 25% of the vote with Haley a close second at 23%. After being a previously unknown person, her candidacy has ballooned since Palin's endorsement.
It seems, whether one likes it or not,The 'Conservative Darling is here to stay and that she has remade herself into a power magnate, with the ability to make or break elections. This woman, so wronged by the media has overcome nearly every political hurtle and sheer will power alone and shows everyone that pure drive can get you anywhere in life. I think its sick that this man, Joe McGinniss, is abusing this woman and her family this way and I believe something should be done about it. The media needs to back off and really be a fair agent in providing news and views to the nation. I would like to close with this sentiment: the Democrats only attack Palin relentlessly because they truly fear her. The Conservative Darling, the Tea Party favorite, and still the most popular Republican in the US is an amazing woman that truly deserves a second look.
(Photo: Courtesy of Getty Images)
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