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A Month in the World
The month of June has seen news stories centered on the continent of Asia which seems to have exploded in different ways. From Japan to Kyrgyzstan, Asia has revealed to the world that the nations in that area are politically and socially unstable and have provided the second edition of Let's Go International with a plethora of news stories. From ethnic violence to political resignations Asia has become the international hot spot for all things controversial and tragic, lets take a peak at the chaos mounting throughout the expansive continent.
The Rolling Stone Suddenly Stopped
Recently labeled as the "Runaway General," General Stanley McChrystal was once the leader of the American forces in Afghanistan, but has now suddenly found himself retired after a controversial interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. The interview pits the General against President Obama and elaborates about how McChrystal apparently bullied Obama and felt that he was ill equipped to run the war, to put it nicely. As of this morning, Obama had accepted McChrystal's resignation ( in other words, fired him in a nice way) and replaced him with the only man he knew the country would accept, General Petraeus . Let's delve deeper into this issue and find out exactly what was said, and if those comments warranted the replacement of the only general in world history who even had limited success in a war in Afghanistan.
Enter the Hermit Kingdom
With just a few steps onto the North Korean side of a river, journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee would walk into the perfect political storm, becoming the pawns that both sides would use to weather out the international maelstrom. The memoir, Somewhere Inside coauthored by Laura and Lisa Ling follows the story of one sister's five-month-long detention in the most isolated country on the planet and her sister's heart-wrenching struggle to bring her home. In dramatic fashion that involves all parts of both the United States and North Korean governments, the story traces the story from the brutal arrest of Laura Ling and Euna Lee to her their families fight to bring them home, concluding with the high profile rescue from former President Bill Clinton.
And What a Sweep it Was!
On Tuesday, June 22nd, the Palmetto State once again went to the polls with the mission to finally nominate the Republican gubernatorial candidate. In a decisive victory, state Representative Nikki Haley (R-SC) swept opponent U.S. Rep Gresham Barrett by winning 65% of the vote compared to his 35%. In her acceptance speech, Haley claimed the landslide victory was an affirmation of her small government message and across the board fiscal conservatism.
No More Obama Magic?
With negative ratings and heavy criticism pouring from all sides of the aisle, it seems that President Obama's once safe zone, his rhetorical skills, have abandoned him when he is most vulnerable. The speech itself, under any other circumstances would have most likely have been regarded as adequate however, the nation elected a president who could deliver hair raising and stirring speeches on command. His latest speech, his first address to the nation from the Oval Office, dealt with the Gulf Oil Spill and with a sensational topic, a sensational speech was anticipated. He did not deliver. In his speech I took issue with three different points he made so lets delve deeper into each issue.
Haley Just Can't Catch a Break
Barely a month after the emergence of the extramarital affairs scandal and the all around denunciation of the (seemingly baseless) allegations, the Palmetto State has served up another issue for the Haley camp. Yet with this new concoction she has done nothing wrong (unless being vague is a crime, which would mean 95% of all politician would be in jail), yet the Christian camp in the Republican Right want to paint her in an evil light. The reason is religion, but then again in American politics, when isn't it about religion? State Representative Nikki Haley, an Indian-American, was born into a practicing Sikh family and at the age of 24 converted to Christianity and now attends a Methodist Church. But apparently for some that's not good enough, for some religion is enough to vote against someone, regardless of where they stand on issues. And that my friends, is ridiculous.
A Little Jaunt?
Using her medium of choice, Facebook, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) announced Monday June 15th that she has received an invitation to visit London in her attempt to connect with prominent global conservatives. Although never explaining who has extended said invitation she has elaborated on one of the possible stops, a face to face meeting with the "Iron Lady" herself, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Chicago isn't all that's Windy
The embattled former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) will begin the trial that could end up depositing him in jail, just as one did to his predecessor George Ryan (R-IL). The trial began its opening statements on Tuesday June 8th and saw both sides present its own case. The defense team's approach seems to be trying to say that Blagojevich, though naive, is as honest as the day is long. The prosecution paints a very different picture, one of a man who was broke and whose campaign funds had dried up to the point that is seemed his political career was over. Who's right and who's wrong is yet to be seen, but no matter what the repercussions of this trial will be felt around the nation.
Executive Experience: A Good Idea?
In a new facebook post, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) channels public sentiment and attacks President Obama for neglecting the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. In her fiery and satirical salvo, Palin expounds upon a perceived neglect for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill by sighting Obama's lack of contact with oil experts as well as his failure to reach out to those people who have fought 'Big Oil' before. In close she references the people who lived through the Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill, and says, "They can help you. Give them a call. Or what the heck, give me a call," and what a phone call that would be.
It's a Battlefield Out There
During Presidential election years the day when the greatest number of states hold their primary elections is designated a special name, Super Tuesday. Well if the Midterm elections had any special title, today June 8th might edge out any other for that title. Let's look at three high profile elections: the South Carolina gubernatorial election, Arkansas Senate election, and the California gubernatorial race.
Meet Lt. General James Clapper
After the recent resignation of Dennis Blair, Obama found himself with an empty seat in the nations top Intelligence spot. This is not a shocking development, the dislike between Obama and former Chief Dennis Blair was palpable and the job does not have a high retention rate as is (if confirmed Clapper will be the fourth Director of National Intelligence (DNI) in five years). It is the responsibility of the DNI to oversee all sixteen departments in the US intelligence community. Does this man have what it takes for this large of a job? Lets dig deeper and find out.
When Yin Meets Yang
The woman who signed the controversial Arizona immigration law and its highest profile critic met on June 3rd to discuss the bill and other issues surrounding it. After emerging from the talks, President Obama stated that the divide between them, though still apparent was decreasing. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) called the meeting cordial and said that although some aspects were resolved, there were still many other issues before them. However, she did announce that Obama had promised to allocate 1,200 more border patrol troops as well a $500 million dollar increase in border and immigration control funding, with the promise that a majority of these resources would be coming to Arizona.
Finally Some Results
Forty-six days and an estimated 36,708,000 barrels of oil later, BP has partially succeeded in one of its efforts to take back control over this ever worsening problem. The plan, now known as the 'cap and kill' plan has so far been partially successful, resulting in about 6,000 barrels of oil being siphoned from the sea, into the drill ship Discover Enterprise. However, video clips released today, Saturday June 5th, still show oil leaking out into the Gulf, and primary results suggest only about twenty percent of the estimated daily amount of oil released into the Gulf of Mexico. BP has said before that this method will only slow the spew of oil and that the well will not be completely closed until the relief wells are dug in August.
As if South Carolina hasn't had Enough...
After the drama and political fallout that was the Governor Mark Sanford's widely publicized affair with a Brazilian woman, the current GOP front runner in the gubernatorial elections, Nikki Haley (R-SC) allegedly had an affair with not one, but two men while in office. With endorsements pouring in from Tea Party Darling Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and the First Lady of South Carolina, Jenny Sanford; it now seems that her opponents may have turned to their last viable weapon, scandal. As of June 4th, two men (blogger Will Folks and lobbyist Larry Marchant) have come forward and announced their extramarital trysts involving the gubernatorial candidate. Haley's campaign has forcefully denounced these claims as being unfair and as a last ditch attempt to hijack her building momentum.
Palin Power
In America today, no figure is more loved, hated, and misunderstood than former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK). She is the epitome of polarization drawing almost worshipful praise from the right as well as unfair and unyielding criticism from the left. Yet, after the failed, and incredibly mean, Vice Presidential run, this courageous woman has not left the political arena. In fact, in the two years since she has written a best selling memoir, undergone a speaking tour, and emerged as one of the leading republican figures in our nation. Sarah Palin has also been in the news recently for multiple reasons so let's take a look back at her most recent actions.