A year into the Obama presidency and new polls and worldly events point in a surprising direction. Barack Obama may not be the same comeback kid the nation thought the elected in 2008, no the real winner seems to be Former President George W. Bush. An April Gallup poll predicted that in the hypothetical election between the current and former presidents would be statistically tied. The poll showed that Obama would garner 48% of the vote while Bush would get a respectable 46% (Obama's lead was within the 2 percent margin of error of the poll). There has to be a reason for this change, seeing as how Bush left office with a record low approval rating of 27%. And sure enough, certain unpopular Bush policies seem to be vindicating the once beleaguered leader. The peaceful elections and troop pullout in Iraq, lower 8 year deficit than Obama's 1 year deficit, and other factors seem to point in the direction of a reputation rebound.
Iraq and Other Matters
This year's peaceful elections and the stability of the Iraqi government offers a level of vindication for the unpopular Bush war. The Obama Administration, and most significantly, Vice President Joe Biden, are trying to lay claim to this victory however, one year in and without altering the Bush policy and Iraq, how is that their victory? It's not. Bush's decisions and, whether right or wrong at the time, resulted in the freedom of over thirty-one million people in the Middle East. If that's not partial vindication, I don't know what is.
Another factor that improves the Bush image is that the total cost of his eight year Presidency has been overshadowed by his successor's record breaking deficit. The American people do not support huge deficits and will no shoulder massive costs for longer, they gave Bush eight years and hated him by the end. Now, in one year Obama has surpassed the expenditures of Bush and his spending does not seem to be slowing any time soon. This has startled and concerned many voters also resulting in a sympathy or sorts for the former president and become a platform for distrust for the current one.
Also, the fact that Obama campaigned to the contrary, but has since decided to keep the Bush-era rules over religion and FBI files seems to also lend some credence to more decisions made by the past president. All told, Obama seems to have kept many of Bush's policies even sending a troop surge into Afghanistan, something Bush was a known proponent of. All of this adds up to the "Miss Me Yet?" signs that have dotted the American landscape in the last few months.
The real effect of the Bush Presidency will not be known for decades to come. Historians now agree that they prematurely judged his administration and admitted that they may not truly know how effect the US until thirty years or more have gone by. Most agree now, that while he most likely won't land in a top spot, he also will not end up in one of the worst. Most agree he will be regarded by history as a middle rung President who's main goal was the protection of his nation.
(Photo: Courtesy of the Associated Press)
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