Sunday, November 21, 2010

Midterm Election Results Spotlight

Photo: Courtesy of NBC
Just Do the Wave

Election Day has come and gone and still some races have been left uncalled. In this historic election, truly every vote matters and being such, I wanted to wait until all of the races had been decided. Yet, now over two weeks after election day, we finally have concrete numbers for some of the last races. In the midterm election, that saw the turn over of the United States House of Representatives by a sixty-one seat swing, was truly a wave election that rippled around the entire country. This post will highlight the most important and interesting races that Center Right Nation has followed throughout the summer and fall.

Spotlight on the Otherside: Marcy Kaptur

Photo: Courtesy of Getty Images
Why I Deeply Respect Marcy Kaptur

Marcy Kaptur (OH-D) is by far, my favorite Democrat in the United States House of Representatives. As the longest serving woman in the House, and the fourth longest serving woman in the entire congress, Marcy Kaptur has written the playbook on straddling party lines and being a champion of the people. As a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Kaptur has surprisingly been a moderate voice in within the nations largest Congressional Democratic Caucus. With moderate conservative votes on abortion, stem cell research, fiscal, and military policy, Kaptur has truly created a unique niche for herself in the direct middle of the American political spectrum and by doing so has allowed her to always be a reliable voice for the people in a city that seems to routinely forget they are beholden to anyone.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Let Freedom Ring

Photo: courtesy of the AP
Meet Aung San Suu Kyi

Today the world is celebrating the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, an icon of democracy in Southeast Asia, she has been under house arrest for much of the past 21 years. She has led the fight for democracy against the ruling junta in the country known as Burma (or Myanmar). The daughter of the general who led the county to its independence, Aung San Suu Kyi picked up the mantle of freedom and democracy after her mother's death. In 1989 she led her party, the National League of Democracy (NLD) to a landslide victory over the military junta, winning eighty-two percent of the seats in parliament all but insuring democratization of a country long denied self rule. Instead the elections were annulled by the junta and Aung San Suu Kyi has spent most of the last 21 years under house arrest. Her release marks a huge victory for democracy but must also remind everyone of how much is left to be done.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

In Review: Give Us Liberty

Photo Credit: Official Picture
A Tea Party Manifesto

In 2008, grassroots networks across America thrust Barack Obama ahead in the polls and secured his election as the first black president in American history. In 2009 the American grassroot network cam alive again, but this time they railed against the very democratic agenda they had previously propelled into power. With massive protests such as the 9/12 March in Washington D.C. and the media frenzy that escalated the healthcare town hall debacles, America ha awoken from its long slumber, and America was fighting back. In the book Give us Liberty by Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe attempt to capture the history and energy of the Tea Party Movement and try to illustrate for the readers the necessity of this movement and the true power that we as voters and citizens truly hold.

In Review: Dirty Sexy Politics

(Photo Credit: Hyperion)
A Daughter's Prospective

The highly anticipated and much talked about book, Dirty Sexy Politics by Meghan McCain, the daughter of former Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain (R-AZ), has finally arrived. I was able to pick it up just a few days after its release and I am sorry It has taken me this long to write the review, but well I have had more pressing issues as of late, most notable helping Republicans take back America. Anyway, this book is written in a fun, yet emotional style that enthusiastically covers many of the biggest issues in the 2008 election, including: Sarah Palin (R-AK), the use of social media in a presidential election, and the state current state of Republican politics. Let's dive into the crazy, hectic world of this boisterous and funny 'daughter of', and relive one of the most historic elections our country has ever had.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Countdown to Election Day Tour

And We're Off

At 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday night I was doing Spanish homework and checking my email. By 5:30 I was going on an adventure. A friend of mine, Diane Hubbard, had emailed me asking if I would like to join Richard Mourdock (R-IN), the Indiana State Treasurer, and herself on a two day van tour of northern Indiana. I had previously had the privilege to work with Mr. Mourdock on multiple occasions before hand so I immediately accepted. This one email set off a chain reaction that has since whisked me out of Bloomington, Indiana; through central and northeastern Indiana finally landing me in a beautiful bed-and-breakfast called the Oliver Inn, located in South Bend, Indiana. But I am getting ahead of myself, the end of Day 1 is not important; rather what is important is the journey we all took to get here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Lesson in Leadership

Hope on the Horizon

What does it mean to be a leader? A leader is someone who stands up for others, who takes responsibility on his or herself in order to help others, and who is ready to take the blame and share the credit for his or her policies. In Porter County, Indiana, incumbent Democrat Bob Harper is looking to retake his seat as a county commissioner; however, before one can go any further, one important question begs to be answered: Is Bob Harper a real leader? Is a leader someone who costs his county over $600,000 in fines for late taxes? Would a real leader idly sit by and watch as his constituents face financial hardships, all the while sitting upon $8.9 million dollars of unallocated funds earned from the interest of the sale of the hospital? The answer is simple: Bob Harper is not a leader. His policies have impeded the growth of Porter County as a whole and have led to increased financial burdens on its citizens when all along he had the ability (never mind the obligation and responsibility) to help. Porter County deserves a real leader, and fortunately it has one in the form of the Republican nominee for county commissioner, Nancy Adams.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let's Go International, September 2010

Revelations and Relevance

The international world has been set on fire this past month with announcements of leadership changes, attempted coups, and bizarre acknowledgments by world leaders. In North Korea, Kim Jong Il promotes his heir apparent; in Ecuador the President is attacked during a coup; and Fidel Castro admits communism has failed. Let's dig deeper into these game changing and bizarre developments.

To Cut or Not to Cut, That is the Question

He's Found his way back Again

It seems that Republicans and Democrats alike may not agree with President Obama's plan to cut the Bush Tax Cuts. In the past months, former advisers, and current members of his administration have spoken out and asked the President to leave the ta cuts alone. Even more recent, The Heritage Foundation has released the results of a study they conducted that implemented all of Obama's planned tax increases and their effect on the economy. This report is truly astounding and truly terrifying.

Lower and Lower

A Downward Spiral

As if things couldn't get worse for the one of the most popularly elected presidents in recent memory. His Chief-of-Staff is leaving, he's losing his party's majority in the House, and possibly in the senate. Unemployment filings have risen once again and the unemployment rate continues to stubbornly hover near ten percent. Except that now, a recent POLITICO George Washington University Battleground poll indicates that forty-four percent of the nation currently will vote to replace Obama while thirteen percent are considering voting for someone else. Only thirty-eight percent of those questioned said that he deserves to be reelected. With his own approval ratings tumbling and his own party distancing themselves from him, what is a president to do.

Castle Throws open the Gates

A Possibility No More

Rumors had been swirling that Representative Mike Castle (R-DE) might follow in the foot steps of another Republican and launch a write-in campaign after his upset loss to now Republican Senatorial Candidate Christine O'Donnell. Publicly his spokes people admitted that he had convened a group to run a poll to figure out if the option was even viable. Results are in but with mixed results. However, shortly afterward, Castle announced that he would not seek the senate seat once held by Vice President Joe Biden and he also remained firm in his decision not to endorse O'Donnell.

I Like This Guy

A New Hope?

November 2009 marked a year since Barack Obama had descended upon the country with Republicans in full retreat, tails tucked between their legs. It was Obama's world now, the second coming of the Democrats, and the Pelosi-Reid Agenda was in full throttle. Then like a  shot in the dark, the illusion of the all powerful Democrats was shattered like a shot in the dark when an attorney from New Jersey captured the New Jersey Governor's Mansion. Chris Christie (R-NJ) became the first Republican to win a state wide election in New Jersey in twelve years. This was the shot heard around the world and all around the nation Republicans awoke from their slumber and depression; a new day had dawned. Following Christie's example Republicans began making gains the with the capstone being Scott Brown's (R-MA) victory in his race to take the late Senator Ted Kennedy's seat. Now Chris Christie is at it again, making waves, and fighting the good fight to once again awaken the Republican Party as well as the nation to the power of derisive and divisive language.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Invasion of the Mama Grizzlies

The Rise of Women in the GOP

Sarah Palin (R-AK) is a political powerhouse whose every word is devoured by both sides of the political spectrum and the national media. Her personal charisma and sheer will power allowed her to reenergize the 2008 Presidential Election as well as redefine an entire political movement. However her largest impact may have been on the ascendancy of women to prominent positions within the Republican Party. Palin and her Political Action Committee (SarahPac) have helpe fund and campaign for Republican women across the country, and helped to propel many, such as: Nikki Haley (R-SC), Christine O'Donnel (R-DE), Carly Fiorina (R-CA), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) to victory in hotly contested primaries. In the two years since America asked 'Who is Sarah Palin', the role of the Republican woman has been reshaped and empowered to a new level.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Michele Bachmann's Silent Coup d'etat

It's Always the Quiet Ones

Its hard to realistically call Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) a quiet politician. After her much aired debate with Senator Arlen Specter where she screamed him down on the airwaves (D-PA) or as  her presence continues to balloon within the conservative movement, it seems laughable to consider anything she does as 'silent'. Yet that is the exact word one has to use to describe the magnificent power plays Bachmann has recently employed to secure her place as a prominent figure within the Republican Party. After starting the election cycle by being designated as a vulnerable member of the House, Bachmann's master moves have her winning reelection by a margin of 55% to 37% against her Democratic challenger Tarryl Clark (D-MN). The fact that the media has not reported her brilliant moves nor has the Republican establishment heralded her victories, just shows the true cunning behind her brilliance. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Death Throes

Is she Dead? No, not Quite. She's Still Kickin'.

This is the story that never ends, and it goes on and on my friends. Seriously. A month has come and gone since Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) suffered a devastating loss in her bid to seek reelection as a United States Senator from Alaska. Her opponent was the no name attorney from Fairbanks, Joe Miller (R-AK) who won the bitterly contested primary by just 2,002 votes (about 1.8% of the vote). His sudden success and momentum have been attributed to the last minute flood of support and money from the Tea Party Express as well as an endorsement from former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK). Yet it now seems that Lisa Murkowski is unwilling to accept the fact that she lost and has announced her bid to run as a write-in candidate as a last ditch effort to reclaim her Senate seat. Are he actions an act of unprecedented courage or an unwillingness to admit defeat? Let's examine the facts!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Making Waves

What Started as a Ripple

On Monday September 13th, 2010 Christine O'Donnell (R-DE) didn't have a chance to win the Republican primary for the Delaware Senate seat vacated by Vice President Joe Biden. But on Tuesday September 14th, Christine O'Donnell stood the world of American politics on its head. In a stunning upset O'Donnell beat her opponent, Representative Mike Castle (R-DE), by a 53% to 46% margin. Suddenly politics just didn't make sense, how could a far right, ex-television commentator beat a former Governor for the chance to run as the Republican nominee for a seat in the United States Senate? Overnight Christine O'Donnell became a national sensation with pundits from both sides of the aisle calling her victory an overall loss for the Republican Party. Yet these same people previously counted her out during the primary election, so the question becomes: Does Christine O'Donnell have enough magic left for just one more upset?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget

Courtesy of the Associated Press
Tuesday September 11th, 2001 

 As I sat on the living room couch eating cereal and watching Pokemon, all I could think about was how badly I didn't want to go to school that day. Why couldn't I be like the kids in this show who went on wild adventures and never had to go to school? They were ten and I was ten, to me the world just didn't seem fair. Eventually Ash caught his Pokemon and beat Team Rocket which meant the bus would be coming any minute. I got up and changed the channel knowing that my mom would want to watch the weather before she left for work. Little did I know that the scene that would unfold before me would change the entire world forever.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My "Mission Accomplished"

Courtesy of the Associated Press
Once and For All...

After 10 grueling years of bitter partisan attacks and facing calamities incomparable to those faced by nearly any other president, former President George W. Bush (R-TX) (jokingly known as 'Dubya') is still smiling and offering a helping hand. The former president left office nearly two years ago: amidst the worst economic conditions since the great depression, with the worst approval rating in United States history, and having been charged with starting two unnecessary wars. Academia had turned its back on him declaring during his last year in office that he would unanimously go down as the worst president of all time. 

 With a rap like that one would think that 'Dubya' would have just crawled into a one of his companies many oil wells and thrown himself in, yet that is not the case. Instead, the former president has kept a busy schedule: he partnered with his immediate predecessor, former President Bill Clinton (D-AR), to help provide disaster relief in Haiti; has been tediously writing his own memoir; and apparently has been having secret phone conversations with President Barack Obama (D-IL). All of this, coupled with the revelation that most of the academics who previously denounced him have since rescinded their attacks, and some Gallop polls have suggested that a theoretical election between himself (G.W. Bush) and President Obama would result in a tie. Yet the attacks keep coming, even presidential courtesy being forgotten when Obama called Bush out by name, so this post holds a special purpose for me. Anyone who has followed this blog would know that I am not a huge Bush fan; however, I intend to finally end the debate (at least for myself) over the effectiveness of the Bush Administration by delving into the three biggest issues surrounding his name: the Bush tax cuts, the Iraq War, and the Economic Crisis.

Rangel Gets Wrangled

Courtesy of the Associated Press
Playing With Fire

If you play with fire, eventually your going to get burned. Well, Charlie Rangel (D-NY) definitely got burned. The former Chairman of the House Ways and Means was charged with 13 ethic violations involving financial misconduct and harming the credibility of Congress. Now the embattled Congressman is facing a full trial-like hearing some time in the future to account for his actions which include: violating house gift rules, improperly using his office to raise money, and lying about his residence to evade taxes. Yet these serious charges have not seemed to discourage him; in fact, they seem to have done the opposite. Rangel has been notably open about his situation and has recently challenged the House ethics Committee to kick him out if it dares. Are his actions just a shrewd political front or really just deadly hubris?

An Upset for the Ages (Maybe)

A New Comeback Kid?

Just a few weeks ago, the Alaskan Republican primary election for United States Senate seemed all but wrapped up. It looked to everyone like Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) was going to clinch the nomination and be the heavy favorite in the general election. Yet as of today it looks like the daughter of the former governor of Alaska may concede her race to the previously unknown attorney Joe Miller (R-AK). With the help from a few key endorsements and nearly $600,000 of Tea Party money, it seems Alaska may have a new Senator in Joe Miller.

Let's Go International, August 2010

Courtesy of the Associated Press
Rising Action

This month could not be more accurately describe by any words other than rising action. With the escalating tensions with North Korea, the scheduled Middle East Peace Talks, as well as the many other surprises that developed across the world this month. The month of August 2010 could very well be the rising action that will dictate much of the worlds, near and distant future.

When Obama Ate Wall Street

The Saga Continues

In 2008, simply put, Wall Street ate Main Street. In 2010, President Obama ate Wall Street. In one fell swoop the Obama Administration changed the United States marketplace from an extremely unregulated market into an economy of hyper regulation. The federal government can now review, liquidate, and regulate any financial institution it so desires. This explosion of federal regulation has not gone unnoticed, with members of Congress, economists, and even the Congressional Budget Office lodging complaints about the new legislation. Yet our Campaigner-In Chief, a.k.a. President Obama, seems to ignore these constructive criticisms and only seems intent on continuously being his own personal cheerleader. This "look at me, look at me" attitude has not been uncommon throughout this process with Senator Harry Reid doing much the same thing to save his own political career. This post is simply the follow up to "When Wall Street Ate Main Street" and will help the reader understand the drastic shift that has been taken in America's economic policy.

A Temporary Set Back

Judicial Activism

U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton has issued a temporary injunction against the main part of the Arizona Immigration law that has sparked controversy around the nation. The judge wrote that in her view, it was not feasible to ask the police to ask about a individuals immigration/citizenship status while making a routine stop. Judge Bolton also stopped the section that would have made it illegal for illegal immigrants to solicit or perform work in the United States. Basically, it seems that the judge was attempting to make an illegal immigrant as legal as possible. If that seems backwards to the reader, be comforted, you are not alone. Soon afterward, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) issued a statement confirming that the state will be appealing the ruling and calling for an expedited appeal.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

112 Days

Courtesy of Nasa's Terra Satelite
112 Days...

How long is 112 days? It is four months, or more exactly it equals 2,688 hours. Yet neither of these statistics allow a person to grasp actual magnitude of this stint in time. For example Gerald Ford was only president for 895 days, and James Garfield for only 199 days. The Gulf Oil Spill has lasted longer than some presidents (well one actually) and thankfully its flow has been stopped and its permanent closure is in sight, but with 4.9 million barrels of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico its long term effects are just beginning.

Elena Kagan: Associate Supreme Court Justice

Courtesy of Getty Images
Surprise, Surprise!

On August 5th 2010 Elena Kagan was confirmed, and then on August 8th she was sworn in as the 112th Associate Supreme Court Justice in American History. The former Dean of Harvard Law School was easily confirmed by a 63-37 vote, which shutdown and possible resistance from Republicans. Elena Kagan was nominated by President Barack Obama to fill the seat left vacant by former Associate Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens and will begin her lifelong post immediately.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Let's Go International, July 2010

Courtesy of Reuters
The Calm Before the Storm

After the chaos that seemed to engulf Asia in June and the many political upheavals that echoed around the world, the month of July seems relatively tame. Besides a few isolated natural disasters, the international community has not seen any shake-ups or shakedowns this month. Let's hope that this is indeed not the calm before the storm, but possibly the beginning of an extended political calm so that America can catch its breath.

Coming Soon, America by Heart

Courtesy of Harper Collins
She's Done it Again

 Sarah Palin (R-AK) and her publisher, Harper Collins, have finally released the book cover for her much anticipated sophomore book, America By Heart. The book is set to be officially released on November 23rd, almost a year to the day of the release of her New York Bestselling memoir Going Rogue, which chronicled her life from birth all the way through the controversial 2008 presidential election. This second book is rumored to cover a wide range of topics and promises to contain, as the subtitle promotes, 'reflections on family, faith, and flag.'

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In Review: No Apology

Courtesy of St. Martin's Press
The Case for American Greatness

Mitt Romney's (R-MA) policy oriented book No Apology hit stores in early 2010, spurring a new surge in book sales just as the rigor from Sarah Palin's (R-AK) book was beginning to wane. Unlike Going Rouge, Romney's book is not a biography, and actually no cohesive life story is ever really presented. Instead the book focuses on what politics should really be about, policy and policy options. The book highlights many of the most controversial and divisive issues facing America today and Mitt Romney faces them unflinchingly and with an excess of data (he literally includes graphs and charts). Well researched and well written, No Apology may become the go to point for a Romney 2012 campaign, much like Barack Obama's two books became a launching pad for him. Exploring issues and providing a variety of answers to issues like the economy, deficits, education, and social problems; No Apology, by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, is a thoughtful and engaging read.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

There's a Storm a Brewin'

Courtesy of Iconphotos
"When a Tornado meets a Volcano"

Two seemingly unstoppable forces are poised to collide over Arizona's controversial immigration law. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) is set to spar with the United States Department of Justice as the Obama Administration announces that it will make good on its threat to sue the state. However instead of backing down, Governor Brewer has signaled both to the Administration and to the public that she will not be intimidated saying, in reference to the Obama Administration, "We will meet you in court" and that she has a good track record of winning in court. And with those words, the age old struggle between State and Federal jurisdiction is again headed for another showdown.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Kagan Takes the Stand

Courtesy of Getty Images
Elena Kagan: Supreme Court Justice?

With the announcement of the retirement of Associate United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on April 9th, President Barack Obama found himself with the second Supreme Court Nomination of his first two years in office. He did not make the country wait long for his choice as a replacement and on May 10th President Obama officially nominated US Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be the 4th woman to sit on the country's highest bench. With the confirmation hearing now underway, will Elena Kagan join the likes of Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader-Ginsberg in our nations history books?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Power of Tea

Courtesy of Getty Images
A Modern Day Tea Party

During the political maelstrom that gripped the nation in 2009, raging over issues like the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (The Bailout) to the proposed health care legislation, the Tea Party was born. Taking the name in reference to Boston Tea Party of Colonial times and creatively using it as an acronym for the slogan 'Taxed Enough Already,' the Tea party hit the national stage holding local protests and even convening the first National Tea Party Convention, headlined by the 'Conservative Darling' herself, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK). Although more conservatively aligned, the Tea Party covers every spectrum of the Republican Ticket, supporting the anti-military policies of Ron Paul (R-TX) while chanting Sarah Palin's slogan of "Drill Baby, Drill." With new Gallup Polls indicting that 1 in 5 Americans either somewhat or strongly support the Tea Party Movement, one would assume that it would have a large impact on the 2010 Midterm Elections. Let's take a look and see just how powerful this grass roots organization really is.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Let's Go International, June 2010

Courtesy of Getty Images
A Month in the World

The month of June has seen news stories centered on the continent of Asia which seems to have exploded in different ways. From Japan to Kyrgyzstan, Asia has revealed to the world that the nations in that area are politically and socially unstable and have provided the second edition of Let's Go International with a plethora of news stories. From ethnic violence to political resignations Asia has become the international hot spot for all things controversial and tragic, lets take a peak at the chaos mounting throughout the expansive continent.

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Challenge to Civilian Rule?

The Rolling Stone Suddenly Stopped

Recently labeled as the "Runaway General," General Stanley McChrystal was once the leader of the American forces in Afghanistan, but has now suddenly found himself retired after a controversial interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. The interview pits the General against President Obama and elaborates about how McChrystal apparently bullied Obama and felt that he was ill equipped to run the war, to put it nicely. As of this morning, Obama had accepted McChrystal's resignation ( in other words, fired him in a nice way) and replaced him with the only man he knew the country would accept, General Petraeus . Let's delve deeper into this issue and find out exactly what was said, and if those comments warranted the replacement of the only general in world history who even had limited success in a war in Afghanistan.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

In Review: Somewhere Inside

Enter the Hermit Kingdom

With just a few steps onto the North Korean side of a river, journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee would walk into the perfect political storm, becoming the pawns that both sides would use to weather out the international maelstrom. The memoir, Somewhere Inside coauthored by Laura and Lisa Ling follows the story of one sister's five-month-long detention in the most isolated country on the planet and her sister's heart-wrenching struggle to bring her home. In dramatic fashion that involves all parts of both the United States and North Korean governments, the story traces the story from the brutal arrest of Laura Ling and Euna Lee to her their families fight to bring them home, concluding with the high profile rescue from former President Bill Clinton.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Victory At Last

And What a Sweep it Was!

On Tuesday, June 22nd, the Palmetto State once again went to the polls with the mission to finally nominate the Republican gubernatorial candidate. In a decisive victory, state Representative Nikki Haley (R-SC) swept opponent U.S. Rep Gresham Barrett by winning 65% of the vote compared to his 35%. In her acceptance speech, Haley claimed the landslide victory was an affirmation of her small government message and across the board fiscal conservatism.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We Deserve to Know...

No More Obama Magic?

With negative ratings and heavy criticism pouring from all sides of the aisle, it seems that President Obama's once safe zone, his rhetorical skills, have abandoned him when he is most vulnerable. The speech itself, under any other circumstances would have most likely have been regarded as adequate however, the nation elected a president who could deliver hair raising and stirring speeches on command. His latest speech, his first address to the nation from the Oval Office, dealt with the Gulf Oil Spill and with a sensational topic, a sensational speech was anticipated. He did not deliver. In his speech I took issue with three different points he made so lets delve deeper into each issue.

Sikh or Christian: Who Cares?

Haley Just Can't Catch a Break

Barely a month after the emergence of the extramarital affairs scandal and the all around denunciation of the (seemingly baseless) allegations, the Palmetto State has served up another issue for the Haley camp. Yet with this new concoction she has done nothing wrong (unless being vague is a crime, which would mean 95% of all politician would be in jail), yet the Christian camp in the Republican Right want to paint her in an evil light. The reason is religion, but then again in American politics, when isn't it about religion? State Representative Nikki Haley, an Indian-American, was born into a practicing Sikh family and at the age of 24 converted to Christianity and now attends a Methodist Church. But apparently for some that's not good enough, for some religion is enough to vote against someone, regardless of where they stand on issues. And that my friends, is ridiculous.

Palin Goes Global

A Little Jaunt?

Using her medium of choice, Facebook, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) announced Monday June 15th that she has received an invitation to visit London in her attempt to connect with prominent global conservatives. Although never explaining who has extended said invitation she has elaborated on one of the possible stops, a face to face meeting with the "Iron Lady" herself, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Rod Blagojevich Trial Begins

Chicago isn't all that's Windy

The embattled former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) will begin the trial that could end up depositing him in jail, just as one did to his predecessor George Ryan (R-IL). The trial began its opening statements on Tuesday June 8th and saw both sides present its own case. The defense team's approach seems to be trying to say that Blagojevich, though naive, is as honest as the day is long. The prosecution paints a very different picture, one of a man who was broke and whose campaign funds had dried up to the point that is seemed his political career was over. Who's right and who's wrong is yet to be seen, but no matter what the repercussions of this trial will be felt around the nation.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Palin to Obama: Call Me

Executive Experience: A Good Idea?

In a new facebook post, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) channels public sentiment and attacks President Obama for neglecting the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. In her fiery and satirical salvo, Palin expounds upon a perceived neglect for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill by sighting Obama's lack of contact with oil experts as well as his failure to reach out to those people who have fought 'Big Oil' before. In close she references the people who lived through the Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill, and says, "They can help you. Give them a call. Or what the heck, give me a call," and what a phone call that would be.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Super Tuesday of Sorts

It's a Battlefield Out There

During Presidential election years the day when the greatest number of states hold their primary elections is designated a special name, Super Tuesday. Well if the Midterm elections had any special title, today June 8th might edge out any other for that title. Let's look at three high profile elections: the South Carolina gubernatorial election, Arkansas Senate election, and the California gubernatorial race.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Obama Nominates Newest Intelligence Director

Meet Lt. General James Clapper

After the recent resignation of Dennis Blair, Obama found himself with an empty seat in the nations top Intelligence spot. This is not a shocking development, the dislike between Obama and former Chief Dennis Blair was palpable and the job does not have a high retention rate as is (if confirmed Clapper will be the fourth Director of National Intelligence (DNI) in five years). It is the responsibility of the DNI to oversee all sixteen departments in the US intelligence community. Does this man have what it takes for this large of a job? Lets dig deeper and find out.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Mending Wall

When Yin Meets Yang

The woman who signed the controversial Arizona immigration law and its highest profile critic met on June 3rd to discuss the bill and other issues surrounding it. After emerging from the talks, President Obama stated that the divide between them, though still apparent was decreasing. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) called the meeting cordial and said that although some aspects were resolved, there were still many other issues before them. However, she did announce that Obama had promised to allocate 1,200 more border patrol troops as well a $500 million dollar increase in border and immigration control funding, with the promise that a majority of these resources would be coming to Arizona.

'Cap and Kill' Captures 6,000 Barrels of Oil in 24 Hours

Finally Some Results

Forty-six days and an estimated 36,708,000 barrels of oil later, BP has partially succeeded in one of its efforts to take back control over this ever worsening problem. The plan, now known as the 'cap and kill' plan has so far been partially successful, resulting in about 6,000 barrels of oil being siphoned from the sea, into the drill ship Discover Enterprise. However, video clips released today, Saturday June 5th, still show oil leaking out into the Gulf, and primary results suggest only about twenty percent of the estimated daily amount of oil released into the Gulf of Mexico. BP has said before that this method will only slow the spew of oil and that the well will not be completely closed until the relief wells are dug in August.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Can Haley Stay Above the Scandal?

As if South Carolina hasn't had Enough...

After the drama and political fallout that was the Governor Mark Sanford's widely publicized affair with a Brazilian woman, the current GOP front runner in the gubernatorial elections, Nikki Haley (R-SC) allegedly had an affair with not one, but two men while in office. With endorsements pouring in from Tea Party Darling Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and the First Lady of South Carolina, Jenny Sanford; it now seems that her opponents may have turned to their last viable weapon, scandal. As of June 4th, two men (blogger Will Folks and lobbyist Larry Marchant) have come forward and announced their extramarital trysts involving the gubernatorial candidate. Haley's campaign has forcefully denounced these claims as being unfair and as a last ditch attempt to hijack her building momentum.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Phenom Strikes Back

Palin Power

In America today, no figure is more loved, hated, and misunderstood than former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK). She is the epitome of polarization drawing almost worshipful praise from the right as well as unfair and unyielding criticism from the left. Yet, after the failed, and incredibly mean, Vice Presidential run, this courageous woman has not left the political arena. In fact, in the two years since she has written a best selling memoir, undergone a speaking tour, and emerged as one of the leading republican figures in our nation. Sarah Palin has also been in the news recently for multiple reasons so let's take a look back at her most recent actions.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Obama's Katrina

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

What may possibly be the worst oil spill in United States history began on April 20th, 2010 when a ball of methane gas escaped from an exploratory well and exploded inside the oil column causing a tempest of fire. The explosion has been described as a sudden explosion that gave them left than 5 minutes to evacuate. Rescuers on the scene described the burning as being so hot that it was melting the paint of the rescue boats. On April 22nd, the coast guard received confirmation that the rig had sunk, but that same day an even worse nightmare was realized, and oil slick was found spewing from the collapsed rig. What would occur in the next 40 days was nightmarish and tragic to the extreme, bring back memories of Exxon-Valdez, only hovering in the background is always the possibility that this time could be worse.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

In Review: Winston Churchill

The International Icon

In an attempt to nourish a more, international palette, I turned to looking for a book about a man (or woman) who was so important to the America we know today as well as to his or her home country. I wanted someone as American, and well placed into the annals of American history as possible, yet still retain an outstanding foreign background ( Only by reading the book did I learn that my pick was actually half American). The person I was looking for was summed up for me in a book by Paul Johnson, aptly titled: Winston Churchill. This book highlights the birth, childhood, and star struck career of one of the most multifaceted and enthusiastic world leaders to ever grace the international stage. Mr. Churchill, as he preferred to be called, filled many positions in his political career, which spanned over half a century; with his charisma, charm, and dedication allowing him to surmount feats obstacles that admittedly, no one else of his generation could have faced.

Sestak Shuts Out Specter

Ducked then Dumped

The longest serving senator from Pennsylvania, Democrat Arlen Specter (D-PA) was defeated Tuesday May 18th, in his primary election for the Democratic nomination for Senator. His opponent was US House Representative Joe Sestak who defied Bill Clinton and the Obama Administration and won 53% of the vote, while Specter picked up 47%. This election was seen by many as a referendum on Specter's actions last year in which he switched from a long time and high-ranking Republican to become a Democrat in order to avoid a bruising primary fight from an opponent who was all but guaranteed to beat him. In a last ditch effort to get Arlen Specter to switch parties, in order to secure an even greater majority in the Senate, the Obama Administration basically ensured a smooth primary and vast support during the general election. Yet, Specter learned that the voters are tired of partisanship and petty politics and that if the administration won't give them change; they will just change Washington themselves, one senator at a time.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Who is Elena Kagan?

And the Nominee is...

On May 10th, 2010 President Barrack Obama announced his second nomination to the United States Supreme Court in the form of US Solicitor General Elena Kagan. An immediate frenzy of web browsers stormed the Internet, the world had to know; just who is Elena Kagan. Luckily I had previously written a short biography of Miss Kagan in my salute to retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Here is another short, tho longer than my previous one, biography about Elena Kagan, who, barring some huge blunder or prior misdeed, will be the next Associate US Supreme Court Justice and the fourth woman to ever serve on our nations highest bench.